Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Gabrielle!

Gabrielle turned 17 on December 29th (yesterday)!  She didn't want to celebrate her birthday this year...she never has been big on birthday celebrations.  Gabby doesn't like to make a big deal over her birthday, which is very different from me, as I believe that my birthday is a national holiday that should be celebrated by all and I should be treated like a queen for many days before and many days after the actual date.

What Gabby doesn't realize is that her birthday will always be a big deal.  She was/is the first grandchild for both the Aiden and Drummer families.  Her birth was like a national holiday!  Everyone gathered at the hospital to get a look at the most beautiful baby I had ever seen!  It was like a big house party in our hospital room.  Everyone wanted to take a picture with our little Gabby.  They wanted to watch me change her first diaper (that is what I am attempting to do in the picture above), which would be the first of many firsts for Gabby and our family.

Tonight marks another first.  Now that Gabby is 17, she doesn't have to live by the city curfew laws, just mom and dads curfew law.  So, she and some friends are off to their first 17 and over, being carded concert!  This concert is a big deal.  It's her first concert without me, her first 17 and over carded event, her first time going out without having to worry about curfew laws and....the concert isn't over until around 2:00 am, so it's her first real late night out!  Eric gave her the lectures, told her that he loved her and trusted her and then said good-bye.  He watched me for a second to see if I was going to cry.  I didn't!

Every year for Gabby's birthday, I get a little misty, pull out the baby pictures and reminisce.  I am feeling really old tonight and a little sad that my little 4lbs. 11oz. baby girl is growing up, becoming independent and venturing out into the world.

17 years ago, we were so young and had no idea what we were doing.  I think we did a great job!

Thanks to all that were there on Gabby's first day in the world and who continue to be in her life supporting, encouraging and watching over her every day. (Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jay, Auntie Tracie, Uncle Dave, Auntie Stephanie, Auntie Nicole and Felice).

We love you Gabrielle Ollie Aiden!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After Christmas.

So, we forgot to mention the other animal in our house...Sicily the snake!  Sicily had herself quite a Christmas celebration, I think she partied the the day and night away, since when I went to check on her this morning, she was gone!

Sicily managed to slither out of her feeding container yesterday, after enjoying her Christmas dinner of thawed mouse.  It seems that Sinobia did not zipper her container completely shut, and the snake took full advantage of the opening.  Luckily, she had just eaten, so she was feeling full and lazy and didn't wander too far away from her tank.

There was about 3 minutes of panic going on in Sinobia's bedroom, before we spotted Sicily chilling out in Sinobia's jewelry box!

Some people go sale shopping the day after Christmas, we search for pet snakes...never a dull moment with us:)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!   

Christmas with a teenager and a preteen is a little different than what it used to be.  There was no 6:00 am wake up filled with excitement about what Santa brought.  There were cookies and milk left on the table last night, no barbies and baby dolls under the tree...just us waking the kids up at 9:30 (so Eric could have Christmas and make it to church on time), coffee brewing,  a Dunkin donuts run and an afternoon nap!

This year, my brother is with us for Christmas.  I think this is the ultimate gift for the girls.  They LOVE their  Uncle Jay and couldn't wait for him to get into town.  He is not used to teenage girls, early morning Christmas' and young girl "chit-chat" all day long.  They have been glued to his side all day long...poor guy needs a nap!

After 4-6 months of subtle hints, Gabby had a mile wide grin on her face after getting her "real camera".  I have to say, it takes beautiful, crystal clear pictures (no, these are from moms "regular" camera) but, didn't erase the dark circles under my eyes:)

Sinobia has grown like a weed the last few years and hasn't had a bike (that her knees didn't hit the handle bars when she peddled), in about 4 years.  Of course, only Sinobia would ask for a neon cruiser bike!  After a little internet searching, Eric delivered.  Geared up with her Christmas Elmo boots (thanks big-sister Gabby) her little Elmo in her pocket (thanks cousin Marcus), Sinobia went for a Christmas cruise around the block today.  The bike is a little too big, but this just gets us off the hook of having to buy another one before she moves out of the house.

Coreena and Nera got in on the Christmas action too!  Plenty of paper, bows and boxes to play with.  Their pictures were some of the first ones to be taken with Gabby's new camera!

Enjoy your family and friends.  Relax and reflect on all that your are blessed with on this day.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Way To Go!!!

After a long dry spell (according to plenty of people, Varsity hasn't won a meet in many years) the ETHS (Evanston Township High School) Varsity Gymnastics team has been winning.

I don't want to jinx it, but they are off to a great start this year.  They are 2-1 and took home the Third Place trophy today at the Glenbrook North Spartan Classic Invite meet today (#3 out of 11 teams)!

They seemed a little stunned when their name was called...they didn't know what to do, this had never happened to any of them before!  They all gathered their composure, went to receive their trophy, and were ready for pictures!

2011-2012 ETHS Varsity Gymnastics Team

Congratulations girls!