Friday, October 25, 2013

Life Is Good

I have to admit...I've been cheating.  Since I upgraded from my iPhone1 to my iPhone5 this summer, I have been obsessed with all the great things it can do and I have become a big fan of instagram. I love, many of my cute captions, photos and moments have been my recent instagram posts.

Life is good in the Aiden house.

Sinobia is swimming like crazy and loving it.  She just completed a 4-day-in-a-row swim meet last weekend and is heading to another one this weekend.  Her room smells like chlorine, but she doesn't seem to notice, since it also oozes out of her pores.  Our hamper is always full of wet towels and soggy swimsuits and I trip over her swim bag a few times a week (since it lays in the middle of the dining room floor).

8th grade is going well.  We just got our high school registration forms in the mail this week.  Can you believe it?  Our baby will be in high school next year!

Gabby is doing well in San Jose.  She texts me often and calls home faithfully on Sunday nights.  Her auntie Stephanie sent her a flat screen TV just in time for the new season of Scandal.  I'm a little jealous, her TV is bigger and better than the one we have at home!  Thanks Steph!

 I check the San Jose weather every day.  It hasn't rained since she's been there.  So, sunny California is treating my girl well.  There have been moments when I have to stop and remember that she is not at home, then I start missing her.  This is the time of year when we like to bake.  She's my cooking partner.  This is Scandal season.  She's the only one in the house that watches it with me.  Moments like these really make me miss her.  She will be home for Christmas.

Eric is doing well.  Work keeps him busy.  He and Sinobia are a little gang.  They have been teaming up on me lately.  Sinobia is pretty quick witted and has some good jokes.  She and Eric tag-team with each other with the jokes (always at my expense).  They're pretty funny.  Most times I have to laugh with them.  Eric misses Gabby too.  He's trying to hold Sinobia close to home these days...attempting to stunt her social life and freedom.  I can tell the reality that, she too, will be gone in a few years has hit him.  She is pretty good a persuading him to let her loose, usually it's with the promise of constant texting and communication while she is away from home.

I have figured out that, it was evident years ago, Sinobia is a free spirit.  She cannot be contained.  She needs some reigning in from time to time, but for the most part we have done a good job with giving her the skills she needs to be school smart, street smart and use common sense.   I love watching her grow up in her teenage years.  She is not the girl I lived with a few years ago. She is constantly morphing into this person that I am in awe of.  Her maturity takes me by surprise as does her need to be silly and just a kid.

The cat, the dog and the snake are all alive and doing well!  Nothing has changed with them.

That's it for now...Life is good.  I will try to spread my love and attention evenly between Abundantly Aiden and Instagram.