"If you think your sport is hard, try doing it while holding your breath"
After nearly a month off from swimming because of her asthma, Sinobia jumped back into the pool on Tuesday to participate in the 19th Annual Flying Fish Swim Marathon, an one hour continuous swim with her swim team.
Eric and I sat at the side of the pool, with inhaler in hand, prepared to pull her out of the pool if her breathing got bad. As we started counting laps at the beginning of the hour, it became clear to us that she was not going to stop swimming. Her pace was great, her breathing was relaxed and she was in the swimming zone.
Last year she swam 138 lengths in an hour. This year she did not let the asthma keep her down and away from raising funds for her beloved swim team. She emerged from the pool having swam 144 lengths in the one hour!
(These funds help the YWCA continue to provide healthy aquatic programming, provide financial assistance to families who cannot afford the cost of swim lessons or swim team participation, and support YWCA services in the areas domestic violence and violence prevention.)
This was Sinobia's 5th year participating in the swim marathon and the first year that Gabby was not here to count her little sister's laps. We sent Gabby a text right after Sinobia got out of the pool to report the 144. "Dang, is that a record?" was her response. This year, I think I am the one in awe of Sinobia (and relieved that her breathing stayed strong). She was pretty sick for a while there, but she got through it and got herself strong again, just in time for marathon. She definitely has the willpower and discipline that I don't. She is determined and strong all of the time. Traits that will continue to serve her well in her life.
There is still time to sponsor Sinobia and her Swim Marathon cause (you have until February 28th). The YWCA has made it so easy this year, they set up web pages for each kid, so you can click on the link below, it will take you straight to Sinobia's web page, where you can make a donation (and/or see her cute picture), or you can just send her a check:)
Follow This Link to visit Sinobia's personal web page and help me in my efforts to support YWCA
- Evanston/North Shore
Thank you to everyone who has helped her meet (and possibly exceed) her goal!