Yes, I cried today.
My baby, Gabrielle Ollie Aiden, turned 21 today. I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her. Eric was both nervous and excited. My mom was ecstatic. Eric's mom said, "I'll believe it when I see it." 21 years ago, Eric and I became parents.
I would like to say that we did an amazing job raising a confident, independent, strong and humble young woman. I would like to take all of the credit for all of the prideful moments and accomplishments. The reality is, we did not do it alone. Since the day Gabby was born, there has been a circle of family and friends that have helped us nurture and support her.
Thank you to all of our family and friends who have contributed to the growth and loving nurturing of our baby girl. Thank you for always supporting her, encouraging her and cheering her on. Thank you for attending all the gymnastic meets, plays, circus shows and graduations. Thank you for being amazing role models and mentors. Thank you for taking this journey with us for the last 21 years. Thank you for loving our Gabby just as much as we do.
Today I cried because I remember the little baby that would fall asleep on her dads chest every night. I remember the baby that smiled at everyone she met. I remember the baby that learned to walk at 8 months and wobbled her way through the house. I remember the baby that grew up to go to kindergarten and was brave enough not to cry on the first day of school (although I did). I remember the the baby that graduated from high school and left home to go to college (more tears from me). I remember the baby that traveled to Africa and stayed away from home for a whole year.
That baby I remember is now a grown woman, an adult, legal.
Happy 21st Birthday Gabby!