I know. It's been a really long time.
Two things this week prompted me to write this...
On Tuesday night we attended the ETHS African-American Achievement Awards where Sinobia received an award. This Award has come full-circle. Gabby, the first Aiden grandchild to attend ETHS received this award her freshman year. Sinobia, the last Aiden grandchild to attend ETHS received the award her senior year.
Tuesday night, at the awards ceremony, I saw the girl's old Middle School Principal (shout out to Mr. Mac!). He asked why he hadn't seen any recent post. I didn't really have a good excuse for him. I didn't want to tell him the truth... I've been lazy (and posting on instagram).
On Wednesday morning I attended the ETHS Black Caucus Recognition ceremony where Sinobia was recognized again. I kept looking at my watch, checking the time. I was anxious about getting to work later than I was expected.
At some point during the morning I stopped worrying about getting to work on time and realized that I was having the privilege to witness Black Excellence. This privilege should not be interrupted by the worry of a late arrival to work. This was a rare moment in the lives of our Black children as often they are not recognized for their excellence, but for their shortcomings.
So, this post is to catch you up on the Black excellence that is happening in our Aiden home. I guess it can be called our 2018 Black Excellence Update!
Here it is:
Eric started a new job. He loves commuting downtown Chicago on the train, looking at the Chicago architecture and people watching. There are no children in this work place. He is out of the school setting and feeling blessed and challenged in this new position.
Tracy (that's me) is still teaching Kindergarten. Teaching young children is what I love. This year I have traveled quite a bit for work. I love traveling, but haven't really done a lot of it without my family. The work travel has been a nice glimpse into what our empty-nester lives will be like next year. Eric and I have been talking a lot about what our live will look like when the girls are gone. It will be a bitter-sweet moment when we have no children in the house. I am looking forward to not having to pack school lunches and not worrying about feeding my kids enough fruits and vegetables every day.
Gabrielle graduated from SJSU (San Jose State University) in May with a degree in Health Sciences and Biology. She is not one to mess around with her precious time, so after traveling to Ghana to serve on her last SJSU Medical Brigade, she took a little bit of Summer time off before jumping right back into school. In December she earned her CNA certificate and went right to work using her newly acquired skills. While doing all of this, she was also preparing for the biggest adventure of her life... on Monday she leaves to serve in the Peace Corp. She will be serving for 27 months in Madagascar! We are so proud and happy for her. She gets to serve in the new community that she will be living in while also having the opportunity to travel.
Sinobia. My baby is all grown up. After spending some time this summer in Guatemala on a Service & Leadership trip, Sinobia is now a Senior! This year is flying right before my eyes as Sinobia breezed right through her college process with great poise and humility. She will be attending ASU (Arizona State University) in the Fall and is trying to get through the "senior-itis" she has had since freshman year. She finished up her swim career in the fall and will play her last season of water polo this spring. No college sports for her banged up shoulder and knee. She is so excited about college life and how she can continue to do her activist work on a larger campus. We can't wait to witness her college greatness.
The cat and dog are still with us. Both are getting old, slow and grumpy.
It's weird to think about our life as a family changing. The house will be quiet. Our grocery bills will be less. Who will we make take the dog out? We are so used to taking our children with us every where we go. We have been a crew for so long....
There it is. Short and sweet. Our Aiden Family in all of our Abundance.
Thanks for hanging in there with us.