Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Sound of Music!

I have a piano in our dining room that my dad gave to me.  He bought it for me when I was about 7 years old.  He sent me to Mrs. Johnson's house once a week for piano lessons for a little while, then had a piano teacher come to our home for lessons for a little while. 

I never learned how the play the piano! 
(although there is one song I play over and over and over again)

When we bought our house in 1999, by dad told me to come get the piano.  "See if you can get your kids to play it, since I couldn't get you to play!"  Those were his words 12 years ago. 

The piano sat in a room, in the corner, in the basement of our house for 11 years.  It was never played.  We moved in October and Eric tried to convince me to give the piano away or sell it.  I couldn't bring myself to part from this gift from my dad.  So Eric reluctantly agreed to have it moved and let it take up space in our dining room. 

Our dining room is also our music room...there are 2 Guitars (we don't know how to play them), a Harp (that Sinobia thought she REALLY wanted to play), a Cello (that Gabby has played since 4th grade) and an Upright Bass (that Sinobia  has played since 4th grade and pretends to play at school concerts) (yes, I'm on to you Sinobia!) and my lonely Piano! 

So, it is funny to me that I spent most of the last week at musical performances for my children.  They don't want to play my piano, but they do seem to have a little bit of musical talent.  I'm not sure where they got their Musial appreciation and talent from, but the sound of music has been ringing in my ears!

Sinobia playing the Bass at the Dawes/Walker/Oakton Spring Concert.  She's the only "advanced" Bass player, so she thinks she's hot stuff!

Sinobia playing the Bass at the Dawes/Walker/Oakton Spring Concert. 


(Finale in D ....George Frideric Handel)
Gabrielle Playing Cello in the E.T.H. S. Orchestra Spring concert.  She's in the second row/second chair.  You can see her little bun sticking up!

(March to the Scaffold from Symponie Fantastique...Hector Berlioz)
Gabrielle Playing Cello in the E.T.H. S. Orchestra Spring concert.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Think We Make a Great Team!

This weekend Eric and I attended our last Dawes Elementary School Sol Fest event as Dawes parents.  We have been parents at Dawes for 11 years. 

Gabby trotted off to Kindergarten in September 2000.  I had Sinobia (5 months old) in the backpack, stroller, wagon or sled each day.  Sinobia learned to walk on the Dawes playground, hanging out each day with her big sister.  Then, in September 2005, Sinobia entered into Kindergarten at Dawes kicking and screaming all the way and every day (this is not an exaggeration). 

I am a lot like my dad. My dad was always involved in the community.  He believed in serving your community, reaching out to others and letting your children know that you are invested in them, their futures and their schools.  Eric is a lot like my dad too.  He is a firm believer that parents are a huge piece of their child's education experience.  He believes in having a presence at our children's schools, being involved, taking ownership in their education and school experiences. 

11 years later...we are honored with the Bonnie Silverman Award for Dawes Community Service.

It all started with Eric agreeing to be a Daisy Leader for Gabby's Daisy troop.  3 women and 1 great dad.  He became an instant celebrity on the playground.  All the moms loved him.  Who wouldn't? Who doesn't love a dad that is invested in his daughter's activities?

Then it began to become dog griller at Dash-about, cotton candy maker and more hot dogs at carnival, field trip chaperon, visits during lunch with Happy Meals and Taco Bell!

It was then my turn...becoming the Market Day chair.  "It's so much fun, you'll love it!"  It wasn't fun and I didn't love it, but I did it for the school and my children. 

Next, Eric took on the position of PTA Co-President!  At that time there were 2 dads filling the co-president positions.  Talk about climbing the playground social ladder!  Eric served 2 years as PTA co-president

At the end of Eric's 2 year term, I fell for the same old line again "It's so much fun, you'll love it!"  I took over his position and became the 2nd Aiden to be PTA co-president.  Yahoo...celebrity status on the playground, my own mailbox, a tax exempt letter in my wallet, and check signing privileges (I don't think I ever signed a check though).  This I did enjoy, but it was 2 long, hard working and tiring years!

At the end of my term, I decided I was done with PTA meetings, but not done with being involved.  So, I took on some lighter jobs; noodles night, TV tune-out week, Teacher Appreciation Week, selling meals at carnival, running games, recruiting more African American families to attend the PTA meetings and have a voice in their children's school and education.

This year, my last year at Dawes, I just took on Teacher Appreciation Week.  I went appreciation crazy, but the teachers deserved it.  We have had 11 magnificent years at the very best school and with the very best faculty in Evanston...Dawes Elementary School!

We will miss everyone at Dawes.  I will remember and cherish all of the love and attention that everyone gave to my 2 children.  The teachers were amazing, thoughtful and caring.  The staff became my friends.  The Principal will hopefully be a great buddy of ours when we are no longer principal-student/principal-parent. 

We promise to visit often and possibly show up at next years Sol Fest!

To be continued...

It was a great Mother's Day for me!

As you can see, the trampoline went up today.  It took Eric and the girls about 2 hours.  Lucky for me that he agreed to my Mother's Day trampoline deal, as the box did say "no tools needed", but what they failed to say was that none of my tools were needed, just the tools inside of the box! 

So, Eric raked the yard, mowed the lawn and prepped everything for the installation.  He and the girls are outside working away, with the radio blasting.  Everything is going smoothly.  They get to the very last 2 pieces and sure enough one of them is the wrong piece!  One piece is supposed to fit into the other to complete the trampoline enclosure (a male and a female part), but they are the same 2 parts!  Some innocent customer service person is going to have to deal with me tomorrow! 

But, my Mother's Day wish was granted by my sweetie and my girls.  I'm a lucky mama!

What am I doing during all of this fun?  I went to get my nails done, munched on the breakfast that Eric cooked for me, took a nap, watched a little TV,  got myself some Starbucks, peeked out at them a few times and folded and put away a load of laundry.  ahhh...such a glamorous life I have! 

I hope everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day Weekend...I sure did!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

 I am a MOM.
I am a proud mom, a content mom, an annoying mom, a loving mom, a fair mom, a fun mom, a goofy mom, and a mom of 2 beautiful girls.  There are many days that it is hard for me to remember all of these things.  There are plenty of days that I am also a make lunches at 5:30 am mom, a grumpy if not in bed by 10:00 pm mom, a tired from all of the carpooling mom, a pissed because I have to walk the dog in the rain mom, a always broke from paying for all the lessons mom,  and a "when will they be old enough to move out" mom.   
My family takes REALLY good care of me most is especially grand on Mother's Day.  They are kind, loving, generous and extravagant on this holiday.  They do complain that I have managed to make Mother's Day into Mother's Day weekend, but they indulge me for this one weekend of the year. 

Today Eric and I went to pick-up the trampoline that we ordered for the girls for Easter (Easter baskets or trampoline was the difficult question for them this year).  Eric has been reminding me all week that he WILL NOT put together another trampoline (this is the 2nd on that we have owned).  I told him it was no problem, that I would put it together myself.  The box says "no tools needed"...I've got this covered!

"I just want to see my little girls happy, laughing and smiling on Mother's Day weekend" (and occupied enough to not be fighting with each other).  Eric gives me a side glance, he knows I'm up to something.

"How about for Mother's Day, you put the trampoline together for me?"  "You some money, make mom happy?" 


"Come on Eric, this is all I want this year.  I just want to see the girls happy.  That will make me a happy mama."


"Think of all the money you can save this year!  No stores, no lines, no worries.  I'll even help you!"


To be continued....

I'll keep you posted!

Happy Mother's Day to all the great women in my life. 
Mom or not, I cherish each and every one of you!