Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

 I am a MOM.
I am a proud mom, a content mom, an annoying mom, a loving mom, a fair mom, a fun mom, a goofy mom, and a mom of 2 beautiful girls.  There are many days that it is hard for me to remember all of these things.  There are plenty of days that I am also a make lunches at 5:30 am mom, a grumpy if not in bed by 10:00 pm mom, a tired from all of the carpooling mom, a pissed because I have to walk the dog in the rain mom, a always broke from paying for all the lessons mom,  and a "when will they be old enough to move out" mom.   
My family takes REALLY good care of me most is especially grand on Mother's Day.  They are kind, loving, generous and extravagant on this holiday.  They do complain that I have managed to make Mother's Day into Mother's Day weekend, but they indulge me for this one weekend of the year. 

Today Eric and I went to pick-up the trampoline that we ordered for the girls for Easter (Easter baskets or trampoline was the difficult question for them this year).  Eric has been reminding me all week that he WILL NOT put together another trampoline (this is the 2nd on that we have owned).  I told him it was no problem, that I would put it together myself.  The box says "no tools needed"...I've got this covered!

"I just want to see my little girls happy, laughing and smiling on Mother's Day weekend" (and occupied enough to not be fighting with each other).  Eric gives me a side glance, he knows I'm up to something.

"How about for Mother's Day, you put the trampoline together for me?"  "You some money, make mom happy?" 


"Come on Eric, this is all I want this year.  I just want to see the girls happy.  That will make me a happy mama."


"Think of all the money you can save this year!  No stores, no lines, no worries.  I'll even help you!"


To be continued....

I'll keep you posted!

Happy Mother's Day to all the great women in my life. 
Mom or not, I cherish each and every one of you!

1 comment:

  1. So- when is the Moms Jump Party? I'll bring the Depends ;)

    happy assembling (and blogging!)

    sarah f
