Thursday, July 7, 2011

Class of 1986!

Last weekend the class of 1986 celebrated it's 25th class reunion.  Yes, Eric and I graduated in 1986, and yes we still look fabulously young (go ahead, you can laugh).

I think about class reunions in a way similar to the way I think about facebook.  I maintain my idea that everyone I want to see and keep in touch with, I see anyway, send them Christmas cards or hope they read my blog!  So, as the big reunion day approached, Eric and I decided that it would not be a big deal if we missed another one (we were absent from our 20th too). 

Saturday afternoon, as I was working in the yard, Tracie calls me and says,

"I'm going to the after party and you are too."

" know that is way past my bedtime."

Yeah, well be ready.  I'll call you when I'm on my way.  You're going!"

There was a piece of me dreading getting all dolled up to impress my long-lost classmates and a piece of me that began to get a little excited about getting out of the house for a little "party-time" and see some old friends.  I went inside to let Eric know that Tracie had insisted that I go and he had to go too.

"Nope, I'm not going.  You go and have a great time."

"Come on Eric, we're a team, I can't go without you."

"Nope. You go and I'll hang out with the girls."


As the time neared for Tracie to pick me up, I decided that I was not going to get all dolled up.  Who would even recognize me if I threw on make-up, a dress and heels?  That wasn't my style in 1986 and it certainly isn't my style now.  So, I opted for the super-laid-back look, Skinny jeans, tank-top and sandals.  Totally me now and totally me in 1986.  Me just being me!

We arrived at the party a little after mid-night (way past my 2011 bed-time, but so 1986 of me).  I immediately recognized faces!  Oh my gosh...I couldn't believe that I was going to miss this! Plenty of hugs, kisses, "you look exactly the same", "how have you been doing?" "I can't believe it's you!" 

I dive into my purse and text Eric..."You need to be here!"  He was totally going to be crushed when I told him about all of the people I was seeing.  He didn't text me back, probably watching movies with the girls or fast asleep.

Anyway, we had a great time.  Laughing, dancing, catching up with everyone.  People seemed surprised to see that Tracie and I were still connected at the buds for 34 years!  Everyone looked amazing.

I returned home around ??? am. way, way past my bedtime, almost time to wake up!  The next morning (or later that morning) I found Eric on facebook, looking at the pictures from the reunion.  He saw a few of the pictures that I had taken with his camera too and started to look a little disappointed.  "Man, I should have gone to the reunion." 

I have to say, I'm now pretty sad that I didn't go to the actual reunion too.  My old brain does not allow me to remember all of the people that I spent my high school years with.  At the after-party, some of the names and faces began to come back to me.  I started thinking, "what about so-and-so and so-and-so?"

Eric and I have agreed that we will be ready (weight loss and coloring the grey hairs) and present for the next reunion.  See all of you at the 30th!

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