Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We Are Pissed At Cancer

Gabrielle and Papa in Michigan

I've been missing my dad.  He has been on my mind at random times of the day lately; 6:30 am on my way to work, 11:45 am recess time, 4:00 pm chauffeur duty, 10:00 pm bedtime.  The memories of him are so strong that I find myself getting choked up, holding back tears that are swelling up in my eyes.  

This summer will be the 4 year anniversary of his death.  Eric, myself and the girls watched as my dad, a once strong, confident, independent and proud man succumbed to cancer within a matter of 8 months.  We sat beside my dad and helped care for him the last 2 weeks of his life.  This was a difficult 2 weeks, but I put on my big-girl face and took over my dad's role as the rational, level headed family member.  I wanted my dad to be proud of me for taking charge of the situation.  I wanted him to know that I was there to take care of him the way that he had taken care of me all of my life, with unconditional and everlasting love.  

This 2 week period was especially hard of Gabby, who hasn't figured out just what is the appropriate way for her to deal with death.  Gabby was my dads first grand child.   He had so many hopes and dreams for her, all of which he thought he would be around to witness.  They would talk at length about when she "grew up" and what the future (and Papa) had in store for her.  They fought, much like he and I fought when I was little; mostly be cause they are so much alike (as I am so much like my dad as well).  He pushed her to be her very best, challenged her to think about the world differently and opened up a world of opportunities (and his wallet) to her with just one little "Please Papa".

It is because of loosing my dad that we are pissed at cancer.  We loathe cancer and many times fear it.  I think it is because of our intense feelings for this disease that Gabby decided to join the 2012 Relay for Life of Evanston this year.  Please visit her personal fundraising web page:

She states on her web page:

"I am participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life because I want to make a meaningful difference in the fight against cancer.

Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either through their own personal battle or through someone they love.  

Together, we can help make sure that Cancer never steals another year of someone's life!"

Halloween in Michigan with Papa

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