Sunday, June 9, 2013

We Made it....Graduation Day!

I think that I may be saving my tears for San Jose.  

Gabrielle Ollie Aiden graduated from Evanston Township High School today 
(and not one tear was shed by momma Tracy)!

There was no need to cry today.  It was all a "proud moment" day.  

Couldn't have made it without you, Ms. Graham!

I am not only proud of Gabby and all of her High School accomplishments over the past 4 years, but I am also proud of Eric and I and how we have worked tirelessly to raise this amazing kid.  

18 years ago, we had no idea what we were doing.  We were young, full of energy and full of crazy ideas about what  kind of parents we were going to be.  Well, one kid down and one to go...and we've finally got the hang of this parenting thing.  For us it's not the kind of parents we want to be, but the kind of people we want our children to become.  We have strived to raise smart, loving, generous, risk taking, assertive young women.  We want them to feel comfortable about the girls that they are and the women they will become in the world.  We want they to follow their hearts, not follow the crowd.  We want them to be humble and grateful for all they have, especially the loving and supportive family and friends that they have.

The Gabby Aiden Fan-Club @ graduation!

Congratulations to Gabrielle.  We are so proud of you and the young woman that you have become.  

Enjoy your journey as to head off to San Jose State University!
Class of 2013!