Monday, June 20, 2011

Is It Summer Yet?

Summer doesn't officially start until tomorrow, June 21st.  The girls have only been out of school for 1 week and we have already had 2 summer injuries!

Last Wednesday, Gabby was injured at gymnastics summer conditioning.  She was attempting a trick that didn't go so well...she was not properly fitted into straps and came out of them mid-air.  She landed on her head.  Gabby says her life flashed before her eyes and when she hit the ground, she heard a crack or two in her neck.  She quickly jumped up to make sure she was still alive!  We were unaware of any of this action until she came out to the car wit a huge ice pack in her hand.  She was walking, talking and eating, but this was a scary accident for her and Eric and I.  It was equally as scary for her doctor when she heard about it the next day.  She could have been seriously injured or dead. 

So, with a diagnosis of Torticollis, some prescription pain medicine, rest and a few days out of the gym, we found Gabby back to her old self again on Sunday evening (Father's Day) doing tricks and flips on the trampoline with her sister and cousins.  Eric and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and agreed that she was back in the game.

Well, a few hours into the trampoline fun, everyone stops jumping to stare at Sinobia.  She is crying and saying that she came down weird and hurt her ankle.  I make her climb off the trampoline, hobble into the house and soak it in the tub.  It's huge!  She's crying and her aunties are babying her, she's loving it.  I give her an ice-pack, some ibuprofen and send her off to bed.  This morning, her ankle was still a little swollen and she was insisting that she could not walk on it.  "Can I use daddy's crutches?"  I knew that was coming.  She has been dying to use those crutches!  Another call to the doctor and we are off to the hospital for x-rays. 

By this point, I'm feeling like a bad mother...2 kids, 2 injuries in 1 week!  What kind of mother would allow such nonsense in her house?  I walk into the radiology department feeling a little inadequate...I am greeted  by a deep sigh of relief and a huge smile from another mom who has a child limping around too.  We exchange friendly salutations and agree that it's summer, kids always get hurt in the summer time!  We sit and wait.  5 minutes later, another mom comes into the office, she's pushing her daughter in a wheel chair!  She smiles a relieved smile to see other moms waiting with their "summer injured" children.  "Oh no, what happened?" I say to her daughter. 

"I was jumping on a trampoline and came down on it wrong."  Can you believe it?  I smile the biggest smile ever!  I am not so terrible after all...plenty of mother's let their children play on trampolines and some get hurt.  "Me too!" says Sinobia.  This girl's mom whips around with a smile that equals the size of mine.  We have connected, there are others out there like us.  We chat it up, both of us showing signs of relief on our faces.  The doctor comes out to inform us that there are no broken bones, just a lot of swelling.  Yahoo! 

"Will you get back on the trampoline?"  the girl asks Sinobia as we are walking out the door.  "Yep!" answers Sinobia.  "Me too!" replies the girl.  They tell each other good luck and give a final smile before we are hobbling out the door on our crutches.  I shoot the mom a smile too.  "Enjoy your summer!" I call out.

I guess summer is in full swing at the Aiden house!

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